Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Watch Out for those SPOOKY Candies that Stick to Your Brackets

It's ironic that October is National Orthodontic Health Month, considering that our patients will probably eat more sugar this month, than any other month of year! The Rampton and Defay Orthodontic Team would like to remind you to take care of your braces and your teeth while you are enjoying the spoils of trick-or-treating. 
Just because you have braces, doesn't mean you can't enjoy Halloween and all that yummy candy. There are many braces-friendly candies. Be selective in the candy you eat and be sure to brush brush brush!
Here are Dr. Defay's top 10 best Halloween Candy Picks:
1. Candy Corn
2. Hershey Bars
3. Kit Kat Bar
4. Hershey Kisses
5. Three Musketeers
6. Malt Balls
7. Sweet Tarts
8. Plain M & M's
9. Pixi Sticks
10. Junior Mints and mint patties
Try to avoid licorice, hard candy, taffy, caramels, gum balls and any other hard, sticky candy that will stick to your teeth and brackets. Trust us, it's worth having a beautiful smile to skip a few of those sugary treats. Have a happy and safe Halloween!

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