Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

At Rampton and Defay Orthodontics, we know this is a fun and exciting time for all. There is also a lot more to this holiday season than just egg nog and presents (although, both are nice). Service, love, and kindness are important components to make this Christmas season great and even more special.

So, as you are spending time with your loved ones, eating tasty food and roasting chestnuts by the open fire, remember what this season is really all about.

Merry Christmas!

-Rampton and Defay Orthodontics

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Toys for Tots

In the office of Rampton and Defay, we have decided this Christmas season's charity drive will be for Toys for Tots. We found that Toys for Tots has a great influence and brings joy and hope to those that are less fortunate. They do so by delivering donated gifts to the little ones in our community who wouldn't otherwise have a Christmas gift this year.

We have set up a box in our office until Thursday, December 15th, to receive any unwrapped present you may wish to donate.

Check out the Toys for Tots website to learn more about where the toys are going and how you can help.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Celebrity Braces!

Braces are cool! Just ask Tom Cruise, Emma Watson, Dakota Fanning. All of these celebs spent part of their time at the orthodontist... while they were famous.

Tom Cruise

Emma Watson

Dakota Fanning

-Rampton and Defay Orthodontics

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Have a very Comedic Christmas!

At Rampton and Defay Orthodontics, we know the Christmas season is a time to spend with your friends and family. It's a time give. It's a time celebrate. It's, also, a time to laugh!
So, for our Christmas Contest we will be giving away TWO tickets to see the comedian Brian Regan. Please read the flier below for details.

Here's just a sample of Brian Regan to get your Holiday Cheer started.