Friday, March 16, 2012

Jackson Rocks the Rubix

Check out our patient Jackson "Rocking the Rubix" at his ortho appointment. Our patients have many talents, thanks for sharing yours with us Jackson!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Congratulations to all Citizen and Leadership Award winners!

Rampton and Defay Orthodontics has the honor each quarter to sponsor a very special award. Two students from each grade at Centennial JuniorHigh and Kaysville Junior High are given the Citizenship and Leadership awards.  Each student awarded is nominated by a teacher or counselor.  At a special breakfast, the recipients and their parents receive a certificate and a speech about them from the nominating teacher or counselor.   

Our team has the privilege of working with this age group and we understand the potential and intelligence in each teenager. We always do what we can to help individuals understand their worth, especially at this age. We also want them to realize how much their hard work and examples are appreciated by those around them in their school and in their community.

Congratulations to all those awarded the Centennial Junior High Thunder Citizenship and Leadership Award and the Kaysville Junior High Knights of the Round Table Citizenship and Leadership Award!